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Monday, April 16, 2012

Delicate Games

For the past three years, I have worked with an organization called Sunrise Day Camp. Sunrise is a nonprofit organization that offers free summer camp to any child with cancer and their siblings. If you think the camp is a gloomy, slow paced, sad environment, YOU ARE WRONG. This camp is quite the opposite.

The campers look forward to coming all year and act is if each day is a whole new adventure. The staff and directors of the camp constantly program exciting volunteer guests and activities that the campers really look forward to. At camp, basically everything that is done is a game. However, sunrise is different since it is considered to be a medical camp. The counselors and nursing staff need to be fully attentive at all times to ensure the safety of each and every camper. While we do play games, the games are altered to be safe and fun for all. Last year, one camper in my group, Emmanuel, was in a wheel chair and had very weak bones due to his extensive chemotherapy. Watching the campers rally around Emmanuel each day was truly inspiring. One particular time that was memorable was when we were playing baseball for the first time (we play with a foam ball and plastic bat). Baseball is Emmanuel’s favorite sport and on this day, he was determined to participate. A particularly thoughtful camper took it upon himself to help Emmanuel stand up and hit the ball. Every camper then cheered and high-fived Emmanuel as he gleamed from ear to year. He was ecstatic throughout the day and could not wait until the next time we played.

The camp taught me many things about children and games. Games are what keep these kids alive, so Sunrise came up with a way to take this camp one step further. For many of the campers, they spend countless hours in hospitals receiving treatment or in waiting rooms anxiously waiting to see the doctor. Sunrise on Wheels is an organization that brings camp into the hospitals. Sunrise on Wheels goes to various hospitals in New York each month and brings board games, arts and crafts, video games, and numerous other stimulating games for children. When the campers get to see their counselors with their sunrise shirts on, it immediately brings a smile to their face, even in such difficult circumstances.

Games are everywhere. By seeing the campers at Sunrise Day Camp interact with each other through games, I truly was able to see how impactful games are on our lives. Although the campers do have cancer and are fighting terrible illnesses, I guarantee there are more smiles and happiness at this camp than any other.

For more information about the camp:

1 comment:

  1. Being that I am already familiar with Sunrise Day Camp, I can only confirm what this post already says. This camp is an unbelievable place for children with cancer to spend their summers having fun with other kids playing games and truly not worrying about anything but enjoying themselves. The counselors make the environment one that the kids feel completely comfortable and truly enjoy each others company. What makes this camp even better is how the kids treat each other. At the camps that I have worked at, the campers are usually brats who fight with each other all the time. It is truly amazing that these kids connected with each other and have formed bonds and friendships at a place as great as Sunrise. It truly gives these kids a chance to put their real life on pause, and just enjoy the nice weather and as many games as they can play.
