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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Drinking Games

As college students, I’m sure most of us are familiar with drinking games weather we should be or not is a different story. Anyways, drinking games are probably one of the most dangerous games people can play. Most of these games force people to drink fast, even it if is small quantities. However, after a while those small quantities add up and the player most likely starts to become very drunk. It is one thing to get drunk, but more often than not I have found people get drunk quicker by playing these games than by just drinking casually or taking a couple shots. These games also differ in that many of these are races and the point is to drink quickly which in it of itself is not safe. I find that most college students play these games, but there are a lot of students that don't know when to stop and become belligerent, putting themselves and their peers at risk. I am sure almost all college students can attribute a night of drunkenness or a terrible hangover to playing that one last game of beer pong or flip cup. It seems like every Sunday afternoon I hear someone saying "I shouldn't have played that much flip cup, I feel like shit." I am probably a hypocrite for writing all of this, but I find it necessary to reflect on some of my mistakes I suppose. Anyways, while drinking games are fun and are part of college life and the experience of college, I encourage everyone to not play that last game of beer pong or flip cup that puts them over the edge. Thus, everyone stay safe and drink responsibly.


  1. I liked your take on drinking games in college, and I think another thing that is often overlooked in drinking games like beer pong is also the cleanliness of the drink the person is consuming. If 20 people all take turns playing beer bong at the same table, a lot of people's hands and mouths are going to be touching the cups and the obviously is a pretty easy way to transmit germs and diseases. I'm pretty sure the alcohol content in beer isn't enough to sanitize them either. And as always, people usually drink when they aren't playing as well, which adds to their consumption. Its almost like playing Russian Roulette with your life is you take it too far.

  2. I have to say that I think drinking games are an extremely fun way to socialize at parties. Games like beer bong, flip cup, quarters, civil war, baseball, etc are fun creative ways to make drinking fun. Playing these games with friends also creates many hilarious memories. There are great times associated with beer pong especially she you beat one of your friends and you talk smack to them all night because of your success at a "drinking game." It's funny to think that's something to brag about. That's what brings me to your next point about how some individuals do not know how to control their drinking during these games. Sometimes people try to act cool and drink a lot to impress people, or others just don't want to feel like a wossy and stop playing the games. Unfortunately these attitudes lead individuals to making bad decisions and drinking more than they can handle. Obviously we need to monitor this and hope that friends will keep an eye out each other. I think drinking games are fun, but we need to be careful when we play them of course.

  3. I agree that drinking games, like many games are a great way to socialize, especially with people that you don't know. When playing games like flip cup, its full of interaction amongst a group of people, allowing you to get involved with a lot of people. Most kids when they start to drink play drinking games because of the new sensations of alcohol and how you can have fun drinking. It creates great friendships and memories and allows you to become familiar with what is to come in college. While its questionable whether the winning team is always the happiest in drinking games because lets face it, if you're playing, you want to be drunk. However, these games certainly carry the same essence that other games do and have rules and norms that allow for usually intense competition between friends and new acquaintances.

  4. I think that when you play a drinking game, like any other game, there are risks involved. When we play a game, we usually know what we are getting ourselves into, whether it is a mind game, board game, etc. However, in drinking games, it is difficult to know the exact risk or outcome. When people drink, their judgement is clouded and they do not always make the best decisions. While they are already drunk, they may choose to drink more because their judgement is impaired. They are increasing their risks and not really thinking about the possible outcomes. Drinking games are very unique to other games because the risks or outcomes are usually not thought out very well.

  5. Drinking games are not only fun, they are unifying, exciting, and revolutionary. Drinking games allow me to combine drinking (which I happen to enjoy) with games (which I also enjoy). A game like beer pong which involves throwing a ping pong ball into a pyramid arrangement of cups is extremely fun and can become extremely competitive. If you go to a party and do not know many people there, drinking games are a way to meet people and have fun with strangers. Usually, the games do not have too much at stake, and no one gets that upset if you screw up. Yes, they can be dangerous because they encourage quick, continued drinking. But, they are also fun and exciting, and can be a great way to meet new people.
